Trade Groups
Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association
The largest national trade association which represents a wide cross section of the “Smoke Free” industry including distributors, manufacturers, retailers and consumers of Personal Electronic Vaporizing Units such as electronic cigarettes and the liquid solutions they contain.
Vapor Technology Association
Is the national trade association that is executing a coordinated federal and state lobbying strategy combined with an integrated public affairs strategy to protect the vapor industry.
The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
A consumer organization, not a trade organization deticated to ensuring the availability of reduced hard alternatives to smoking and providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternative so that they can make informed choices.
Right to be Smoke-Free Coalition
This is an industry-led non-profit trade association deticated to promoting the interests of the vape industry by advocating for reasonable and responsible laws and regulations.
American Vaping Association
The AVA is a nonprofit advocacy group that champions the use of vapor products and electronic cigarettes to help smokers quit.